
We are surveillance experts. We guarantee the control schedule of supervised persons. Thus for each spinning, we provide precise schedules, photos, certificates, testimonials and all kinds of legal evidence in any court.

Concerning the affairs of companies :

We can intervene if:

  • You suspect your employees to steal merchandise or confidential information
  • You suspect them to improve their income by working elsewhere during their leave or sick leave.
  • You fear that your employees are the source of malicious act.
  • It will steal your customer file
  • You want to know if your customer is creditworthy.

About private matters :

We can intervene if:

  • You have any doubts about the loyalty of your wife
  • You presume that your wife has a double life

For spinning our missions, we know all the ins and outs of the case (location, days, hours ..) to provide an accurate estimate of the cost of our services.
Our missions are prepared with all seriousness and professionalism.

Payment :
Easy terms can be allowed after study of your file

We publish reports and bring evidence (photos, videos...) are all admissible in court.



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